At St Gabriel’s C.E Primary School, we understand the importance of good punctuality and attendance at school and the impact it can have a child. We strive for all of our children to have 100% per cent attendance and we continually reinforce to our pupils the importance of being in school. If a child has above 97% attendance, then they are giving themselves the best opportunity to achieve not only now but also in the future. Falling below 90% attendance means your child has had four whole weeks off school during the school year. This level of attendance means your child will struggle with their school work because they have had the equivalent of one day off every fortnight!
Please also be aware that when students miss a lot of school through illness, schools are expected to investigate and, where appropriate, request medical evidence before agreeing to authorise those absences. In order to minimise absence, it is essential that parents work in close co-operation with school. Please make sure that whenever your child is away from school you contact us straight away.
As a parent, you are legally responsible for making sure that your child attends school. If your child fails to attend school without acceptable reason, you risk getting a penalty notice or being prosecuted.
Arranging appointments and outings after school hours, at weekends or during school holidays will help to prevent disruption to your child’s education and to the school. The school will only agree to term time holidays in exceptional circumstance (that must be provided in writing to the headteacher) and if you do take your child/children out of school without the headteachers authorisation this too may result in a penalty notice.
If you are struggling for any reason to get your child into school, please contact a member of staff as soon as possible. We can provide you and your family with practical help and support to ensure your child comes to school. We pride ourselves on our close working relationships with pupils and their families and we will always do everything we can to help.
Punctuality also disrupts learning, not only of the child that is late, but also for the teacher and the rest of the class. Children who are late will have missed valuable teaching in the beginning of the lesson and will come into class feeling confused and not knowing what to do.
We have a breakfast club from 8am everyday which all children are able to attend. The gate is open at 8.30am so that children can enter their classroom from 8.40am. Lessons start promptly at 8.45am. Please speak to our school office team for further details regarding breakfast club.
Absence Procedures
If your child is absent you must:
- Phone the school office by 8.45am on the first day of absence and on each subsequent day of absence.
- Send a note in on the first day they return with an explanation of the absence and evidence (e.g. a doctors appointment card or a receipt for medicine).