Please see our Policies below:
- REMAT Admissions Policypdf
- REMAT Admissions to Early Years Policypdf
- REMAT Attendance Policypdf
- Behaviour and Relationships Policy 2023pdf
- Charging Policypdf
- Child Protection Policy and Procedures for Knowsley Schools and Education Settings 2023pdf
- Children with Health Needs who Cannot Attend Schoolpdf
- Complaints Policy (Updated April 2022)pdf
- Equality Objectivespdf
- E-Safety Policy (Updated 2021) St Gabriel'spdf
- Extremism and Radicalisation Policypdf
- Healthy Eating and Drinking Policypdf
- St Gabriel's Primary School - Health & Safety Policy Statement of Intent v2 May 2021pdf
- St Gabriel's Primary School Health & Safety Policy Statement of Intent v2 May 2021 (1)pdf
- Managing Allegations Policypdf
- Relationships and Sex Education Policypdf
- Risk Assessment Policypdf
- Safer Working Practices Code of Conduct for Adults (July 2021)pdf
- SEND Complaints Policypdf
- Safeguarding Pledgepdf
- Supporting Children with Medical Conditionspdf
- Suspension and Exclusion Policypdf
- Whistleblowing Policypdf