Sound Blending Group
Your child is currently learning set 1 sounds.
You can find a pronunciation video of the sounds here: sound video
You can use this powerpoint to help your child learn the set 1 sounds: set 1 sound powerpoint
Here is some parent guidance that will help you to use the powerpoint: parent guidance
Here is an interactive booklet you can use: Set 1 booklet
Your child is learning how to read the sounds in words. You can find books to support this here: sound blending books
Remember to keep watching the live daily Phonics videos at 9:30am each weekday morning. There are 3 separate lessons. Lesson 1 will teach you the sound, Lesson 2 will teach you how to read words and Lesson 3 will teach you to spell words. You can find them here:
Fred Talk Games
Learning to Blend